11 Items by auctions and galleries:
беппе чарди (1875 - 1932)
Lot 452 Paesaggio alpestre
Beppe Ciardi (1875 - 1932)
A510-I | Paintings and sculptures of the XIX and XX centuries — Session I 

Beppe Ciardi
18.03.1875 - 14.06.1932

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
A510-I | Paintings and sculptures of the XIX and XX centuries — Session I
Date: 16.06.2021 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 225
Lot 74 "Fondamenta a Venezia" | olio su tavola (cm 15x23) | Al retro: autentica della moglie Emilia Ciardi | In cornice
Beppe Ciardi (1875 - 1932)
534-Part I: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures 

Beppe Ciardi
18.03.1875 - 14.06.1932

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
534-Part I: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures
Date: 14.12.2021 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 153
Lot 147 "Barche in laguna" | olio su cartone (cm 8,5x16) | Al retro: firmato | In cornice
Beppe Ciardi (1875 - 1932)
534-Part I: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures 

Beppe Ciardi
18.03.1875 - 14.06.1932

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
534-Part I: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures
Date: 14.12.2021 10:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 153
Lot 213 "Vela bianca" 1909 | olio su cartone (cm 12x19,5) | Firmato in basso a destra | Al retro: firmato, titolato e datato | In cornice
Beppe Ciardi (1875 - 1932)
534-Part II: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures 

Beppe Ciardi
18.03.1875 - 14.06.1932

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
534-Part II: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures
Date: 14.12.2021 15:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 127
Lot 215 "Mucca alla fontana" 1923 | olio su tavola (cm 15x22,5) | Firmato in basso a sinistra | Al retro: firmato, titolato e datato | In cornice
Beppe Ciardi (1875 - 1932)
534-Part II: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures 

Beppe Ciardi
18.03.1875 - 14.06.1932

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
534-Part II: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures
Date: 14.12.2021 15:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 127
Lot 246 "Paesaggio d'Aprile" | olio su tavola (cm 30x38,5) | Firmato in basso a sinistra | Al retro: firmato e titolato | In cornice
Beppe Ciardi (1875 - 1932)
534-Part II: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures 

Beppe Ciardi
18.03.1875 - 14.06.1932

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
534-Part II: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures
Date: 14.12.2021 15:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 127
Lot 247 "Gioie materne" | olio su tavola (cm 24,5x30) | Firmato in basso a destra | Al retro: "studio per figura" | In cornice
Beppe Ciardi (1875 - 1932)
534-Part II: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures 

Beppe Ciardi
18.03.1875 - 14.06.1932

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
534-Part II: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures
Date: 14.12.2021 15:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 127
Lot 248 "Pontile a Venezia (Canale della Giudecca)" 1919 | olio su cartone (cm 15,5x23) | Firmato in basso a sinistra | Al retro: firmato, datato e titolato | In cornice
Beppe Ciardi (1875 - 1932)
534-Part II: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures 

Beppe Ciardi
18.03.1875 - 14.06.1932

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
534-Part II: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures
Date: 14.12.2021 15:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 127
Lot 250 "Redentore" 1928 | olio su tavola (cm 15x23) | Firmato in basso a destra | Al retro: firmato, titolato e datato | In cornice
Beppe Ciardi (1875 - 1932)
534-Part II: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures 

Beppe Ciardi
18.03.1875 - 14.06.1932

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
534-Part II: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures
Date: 14.12.2021 15:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 127
Lot 253 "I covoni a Quinto" 1904 | olio su tavola (cm 32x54) | Firmato in basso a sinistra | Al retro: firmato, titolato e datato | In cornice | (difetti) | | Bibliografia | A. Parronchi, Beppe Ciardi. Catalogo generale delle opere, Torino, 2019, n. 534
Beppe Ciardi (1875 - 1932)
534-Part II: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures 

Beppe Ciardi
18.03.1875 - 14.06.1932

Il Ponte Casa d'Aste
534-Part II: 19th and 20th century Paintings and Sculptures
Date: 14.12.2021 15:00 UTC +01:00
Number of lots in the catalog: 127